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4-H Enrollment

4-H Enrollment Process

Enrollment begins July 1st. Online enrollment opened July 18th. To make sure you are eligible to show in the 2025 fairs please see the requirements as outlined in Steps to Success in 4-H (PDF revised July 2022) and Steps to Success in 4-H FAQ (PDF 2022-2023).

Basic enrollment steps are below. If you're new to 4-H or need more instructions, please see our Humboldt County 4-H Enrollment Guide (PDF) or watch detailed videos on navigating ZSuite under 4-H Enrollment System Resources.

  • Log onto ZSuite
    Create a new family profile only if you do not have one. If you have enrolled at any time in the past 6 years do not create a new account. If you have trouble resetting your password or have a new email address, please call the local 4-H office at (707) 445-7351.
  • Update existing profiles of each member re-enrolling
    (Only new families or new members will add "Household Members")
  • Fill out the Online Payment Form
    Pay securely with a credit card, mail a check, or select an enrollment fee scholarship through the link below.
    • Youth - $72
    • Adult - $33

Additional Enrollment Steps

You will not be officially enrolled in 4-H until all enrollment steps have been completed and we have confirmed your enrollment on ZSuite.

  1. Adult Volunteers:
    • New Volunteers - Adults must complete all steps outlined in the Initial Appointment Process, which includes fingerprinting and clearance (via Live Scan), New Volunteer Orientation, and training videos for new volunteers on Campus. Please contact the office for the "Initial Appointment Process" document.
    • Past Volunteers - If you were an Adult Volunteers in years past, but were not approved as an Adult Volunteer last program year, you must repeat the Initial Appointment Process.
    • Returning Volunteers - If you were an Adult Volunteer last year you must watch the 4-H Returning Volunteer videos on Campus.
    • An individual must be 18 years or older to become a 4-H Adult Volunteer.
    • An Adult Volunteer cannot simultaneously be a 4-H youth member. Depending upon the roles and responsibilities of a volunteer position, additional age restrictions may apply.
    • Humboldt County 4-H Live Scan form will be provided by the Humboldt 4-H Office
    • Download Humboldt County Live Scan Locations (PDF)
  2. See our updated 4-H Frequently Asked Questions (PDF).
  3. Enrolling in 4-H means you agree to the following 4-H Code of Conduct for Youth & Adults

If you have questions regarding the 4-H Online Enrollment System please call the 4-H OfficeNo Internet access: If you or someone you know does not have access to the Internet, your local library should have computers set up to the network that you may use or call the 4-H Office at (707) 445-7351 to set up an appointment.