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Forestry Publications

moss on trees
The Forest Stewardship Series has been developed to provide owners of California forestland with a comprehensive source of information pertinent to the management and enjoyment of their lands. The authors hope that the information provided will help you formulate and implement strategies for achieving your personal goals as a landowner.
Your property is unique, and your vision or expectations for it are equally unique and personal. This series covers many topics. You may already be knowledgeable about some of them; you are encouraged to consult whatever leaflets you find useful. The series is no organized like a textbook. Some of the topic naturally relate to each other and should be ready together whereas others are virtually independent. Together, the series provides and introduction to the lifelong study of forest stewardship that is part of owning forest property.
The publications in the series do not tell you what to do but instead help you learn more about your forest and your many management options, and give you some of the tools necessary to define and achieve your goals. Reading the publications may lead you to conclude that you need to know more about a particular topic. The University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) offers workshops and courses that can further your education and planning for your property. You can find out about these courses by consulting the UC Forestry website at http:ucanr.edu/sites/forestry
For those interested in learning more about who works with North Coast landowners, review this local guide that provides information about agencies, assistance organizations, and other important contacts. 
Forest Stewardship Series Complete (parts 1-24), ANR Publication 8323
Forest Stewardship Series 1: Introduction to Forest Stewardship and Glossary of Terms, ANR Publication 8231
Forest Stewardship Series 2: A Forest Stewardship Framework, ANR Publication 8232
Forest Stewardship Series 3: Forest Ecology, ANR Publication 8233
Forest Stewardship Series 4: Forest History, ANR Publication 8234
Forest Stewardship Series 5: Tree Growth and Competition, ANR Publication 8235
Forest Stewardship Series 6: Forest Vegetation Management, ANR Publication 8236
Forest Stewardship Series 7: Forest Regeneration, ANR Publication 8237
Forest Stewardship Series 8: Forest Wildlife, ANR Publication 8238
Forest Stewardship Series 9: Forest Streams, ANR Publication 8239
Forest Stewardship Series 10: Riparian Vegetation, ANR Publication 8240
Forest Stewardship Series 11: Forest Water Quality, ANR Publication 8241
Forest Stewardship Series 12: Fish and Fish Habitat, ANR Publication 8242
Forest Stewardship Series 13: Threatened and Endangered Plants, ANR Publication 8243
Forest Stewardship Series 14: Exotic Pest Plants, ANR Publication 8244
Forest Stewardship Series 15: Wildfire and Fuel Management, ANR Publication 8245
Forest Stewardship Series 16: Forest Pests and Diseases, ANR Publication 8246
Forest Stewardship Series 17: Forest Roads, ANR Publication 8247
Forest Stewardship Series 18: Stewardship Objectives and Planning, ANR Publication 8248
Forest Stewardship Series 19: Laws and Regulations Affecting Forests, Part I: Timber Harvesting, ANR Publication 8249
Forest Stewardship Series 20: Laws and Regulations Affecting Forests, Part II: Activities Other Than Timber Harvesting, ANR Publication 8250
Forest Stewardship Series 21: Economic Considerations in Forest Stewardship, ANR Publication 8251
Forest Stewardship Series 22: Forest Taxation, Estate Planning, and Conservation Easements, ANR Publication 8252
Forest Stewardship Series 23: Technical and Financial Assistance, ANR Publication 8253
Forest Stewardship Series 24: Professional Assistance, ANR Publication 8254