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Del Norte County 4-H Program

discover yourself 4h

Contact the Del Norte 4-H Office at 707-464-4711 or email cedelnorte@ucdavis.edu if you have any questions (Office hours 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., Monday through Friday).


4-H Motto and Pledge

"To Make the Best Better"

I Pledge:

My Head to clearer thinking,

My Heart to greater loyalty,

My Hands to larger service, and

My Health to better living

For my club, my community, my country, and my world.


head hands heart health

Kaylin Nyalnder (knylander@ucanr.edu or 707-445-7351), 4-H Program Representative is responsible for the Del Norte County 4-H program.  Jacki Bennett (jacbennett@ucanr.edu or 707-464-4711) is the Del Norte County 4-H Secretary.

New 4-H Parent/Member Powerpoint Orientation:
New Parent presentation