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Community Economic Development

Meet our Community Economic Development Team

Photo of Alec Devlin Dompka
Alec Devlin Dompka
Title: Rural Community & Economic Development Advisor
Specialty: Rural Economic Development, Asset-based economic and community development
County: Del Norte County Office
586 G St
Crescent City, CA 95531
Email: addompka@ucanr.edu
Photo of Keith Taylor
Keith Taylor
Title: Assistant Specialist in CE, Community Economic Development
Specialty: Public entrepreneurship, Institutional development, Governance, Public policy, Community Economic Development
Unit: Human & Community Development
Human & Community Development
One Shields Avenue
1309 Hart Hall
Davis, CA 95616-8523
Email: keitaylor@ucdavis.edu
Costs of the Smith River Complex Fires

In this report we document the early economic costs to residents and businesses of the Smith River Complex fires. Our study of the economic impacts is ongoing and we are using the below surveys to collect data. If you are a Del Norte resident or business we welcome your responses. 

Survey for Businesses

Survey for Residents 

Individuos en Espanol (Resident survey in Spanish)

Resident and Business Costs of SRC fires from UCCE Alec Dompka