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Virtual Learning Opportunities & Project Curriculum

Online & Virtual Resources

Virtual learning provides the opportunity to engage youth and promote continuity in 4-H Programming. Enjoy exploring the diverse resources available on these pages.

5 Ways to Keep Kids Engaged and Learning at Home!

Project Curriculum

Virtual Field Trips

Virtual Meeting Resources for Leaders


2020 STEM Challenge How-To Videos:

1. Landing Zone Surveyor: https://www.powtoon.com/c/cCIaVIcUUf8/1/m 
This video is meant to be watched alongside doing the activity. There will be moments in the video to pause and complete a part of the activity.

2. Crop Curiosity: https://www.powtoon.com/s/fcIEwL2xwph/1/m
This video is meant to be watched prior to doing the activity. It explains how to play the game.

3. Red Planet Odyssey: https://www.powtoon.com/s/g53kW43F521/1/m
This video is meant to be watched alongside doing the activity. There will be moments in the video to pause and complete a part of the activity.