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Fire Resources

A number of fire-related resources and programs are available to you through UC Cooperative Extension. These programs are wide-ranging, covering topics from building materials and landscaping to fire science, prescribed fire, and sudden oak death. Please see below for a list of programs and links to online tools, publications, and other useful resources, and contact us with any questions.

California Fire Science Consortium

The goal of the Fire Science Consortium is to make fire science information available to a broader audience. The Consortium offers webinars on fire science topics, research briefs on important scientific papers, and many other resources and opportunities. UCCE is the hub of the Northern CA Region of the Consortium. Visit the Consortium website at www.cafiresci.org to check out these resources, or to “ask an expert” if you have any fire science questions!

Northern California Prescribed Fire Council

The Northern California Prescribed Fire Council is a collaborative group of prescribed fire practitioners, researchers, tribes, land managers, and others who work together to increase the responsible use of prescribed fire in the region. They hold meetings twice a year, and are currently working on some exciting projects that could help private landowners and NGOs use fire. The Council is working with The Nature Conservancy to plan a prescribed fire training exchange in northern California for fall 2013. For more information, visit www.norcalrxfirecouncil.org.

UC Cooperative Extension Resources

UCCE is involved in fire research and education, helping enhance understanding of fire’s role in human and natural communities. We’ve developed a range of useful publications and online tools, addressing wildfire risk, fuels impacts of forest diseases, and other fire-related topics. Here is a sample of our resources: